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1. Find a flat surface to set your device on. This can be a music stand, an end table, ect…

2. Set your device just behind your hi-hat so you can see without having to turn your neck too far.

3. Use headphones that cover your entire ears, so you can clearly hear the examples.

4. Shut out distractions! For the time you are playing do not check text messages or social media.

5. Repeat videos multiple times, even if you can go faster. The point here is to get repetitions!

6. Treat this as a workout. When you finish, you should feel like you worked hard and your muscles should be tired.

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Single Stroke 7 | Introduction

Single Stroke 7, Online Drum Lesson.

We're very excited to bring you this lesson on the Single Stroke 7 drum rudiment. All of these 'single stroke' rudiments, like the Single Stroke Roll, Single Stroke 4 or Single Stroke 7, are often forgotten about. That said, they are so fundamental, and essential to developing your hand technique, and are actually fantastic patterns to be able to work into drum beats and fills.

How we want you to approach this course:

Watch the videos. Internalize the exercise. Play along. It really is that simple! 

That said, there are some tips that we'd like for you to keep in mind:

  • Explanation videos are optional.
  • Watch the play along videos for a few repetitions, and then start playing along.
  • Repeat the videos several times before moving up in speed!

We can't emphasize this last point enough. Think about these videos like going to the gym, if you're not worn out afterwards, you didn't do enough! 

Seriously, push yourself. 

You won't regret putting this time in and you'll come back the next day, next week, and next month even stronger.

Additionally we give you all of the drum notation.

We understand that it's also not always easy to get your laptop, tablet, or phone easily in place, get the site pulled up, ect.... so we give you printable drum sheet music in a pdf form. 

Additionally, all of the videos have the sheet music embedded in them, and underneath for reference.

Get ready to work hard, and make measureable progress towards your drumming goals!

Single Stroke 7, Online Drum Lesson.

We're very excited to bring you this lesson on the Single Stroke 7 drum rudiment. All of these 'single stroke' rudiments, like the Single Stroke Roll, Single Stroke 4 or Single Stroke 7, are often forgotten about. That said, they are so fundamental, and essential to developing your hand technique, and are actually fantastic patterns to be able to work into drum beats and fills.

How we want you to approach this course:

Watch the videos. Internalize the exercise. Play along. It really is that simple! 

That said, there are some tips that we'd like for you to keep in mind:

  • Explanation videos are optional.
  • Watch the play along videos for a few repetitions, and then start playing along.
  • Repeat the videos several times before moving up in speed!

We can't emphasize this last point enough. Think about these videos like going to the gym, if you're not worn out afterwards, you didn't do enough! 

Seriously, push yourself. 

You won't regret putting this time in and you'll come back the next day, next week, and next month even stronger.

Additionally we give you all of the drum notation.

We understand that it's also not always easy to get your laptop, tablet, or phone easily in place, get the site pulled up, ect.... so we give you printable drum sheet music in a pdf form. 

Additionally, all of the videos have the sheet music embedded in them, and underneath for reference.

Get ready to work hard, and make measureable progress towards your drumming goals!

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